Rural areas in Sabah, Malaysia, face significant challenges that impact...
Rural areas in Sabah, Malaysia, face significant challenges that impact local communities. The road infrastructure is often poor, with unpaved, pothole-ridden paths that become treacherous during the rainy season. This poor connectivity isolates communities, making Read more…
Book Launching Party!
21 Oktober 2023 (Sabtu)Lokasi pelancaran buku : Ruang Tamu Ekosistem Alamesra KK — Pangrok Sulap: Sedekad Seni MerakyatSedekad Seni Merakyat merupakan koleksi esei-esei daripada 15 orang penulis tempatan yang terdiri daripada rakan-rakan aktivis, ahli akademik, pengamal dan penggiat Read more…
Giving back to the community – via art
LABUAN: Calling themselves Pangrok Sulap, a group of Sabah-based artists, musicians and social activists is taking art and culture to greater heights. Dedicated to empowering rural communities through art, the Ranau group first came together in Read more…